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Listings for Miscellaneous (9)

Miscellaneous firearms or related gear (Tannerite, targets, etc).



New Mens Scent blocker & snake chaps

New, , never used , large mens scent blocker’s / snake chaps. $ 50. 325 665-9648.

26 total views, 5 today



S&W Magazines

Smith Wesson magazines 1- 15 rd 9 mm , and 1- Shield 40 7rd. $ 20. each or both for $ 30. 325 665-9648

16 total views, 1 today



Mossberg shotgun butt stock, like new

Like new Mossberg shotgun butt stock for 12 or 20 ga. Fits 88, 500, 535, 590. $ 25. South Abilene. 325 665-9648

28 total views, 4 today



Factory Browning Leather Over and Under Case

Like new factory original leather vintage Browning over and under case, 34”, key lock , $125. call or text 325 665-9648.

41668 total views, 75 today



Pistol rugs, cases .

Pistol , padded , zip up cases , priced as marked or buy all 4 – for $ $ 40. text if interested. 325 665-964eight.

254 total views, 0 today



Pistol and rifle. magazines

Pistol and rifle magazines priced as marked . text if interested 325 665-9648

268 total views, 0 today



FN and a Para pistol case

New FN pistol case $25. Para 1911 case $ 20. text if interested 325 665-9648

303 total views, 0 today



AK- 74 , 30rd Magazines

3 – New AK – 74 magazines, 30rd , $ 12.each or all 3 for $30. text if interested. 325 665-9648

192 total views, 0 today



Kimber Solo Magazines

3- Kimber Solo 9mm magazines, new in case, $50. might trade for shotgun shells, text if interested. 325 665-9648

172 total views, 0 today

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